Effortlessly Collect Signed Waivers and Legal Documents from Your Customers. Our Signature Product is Here!


The First Step to Growing your Business

Before growing your business, it’s essential to completely understand the financial standing of your company. Natty Hatty is here to simplify your finances, so that you can make financial decisions with confidence. Easily track every dollar spent at your facility. Know your income, unearned revenue, and accounts receivable down to the cent.

Get Started Today


Watch your Revenue Grow

Visualize your Finances

We strive to turn the headache of your company into your strong suit. Natty Hatty uses easy to read color coded graphs and data tables, so that you can analyze and interpret your financial data like a pro.

Trust your Finances

When it comes to your finances the most important thing is accuracy. Natty Hatty invoices are designed to track your unearned revenue and income down to the cent.

Filter and Compare

Natty Hatty makes it easy for you to filter your financial data by facility, resource, program, customer and more. You can also easily filter your reports by any period of time and compare periods of time against each other.

A Detailed Look at the Revenue Dashboard

  1. Income
  2. Reimbursed
  3. Unearned Revenue
  4. Natty Hatty Credit
  5. Accounts Receivable
  6. Registrations

A Detailed Look at the Utilization Dashboard

  1. Hours Used
  2. Total Usage %
  3. Unused Hours

A Detailed Look at the Future Earnings Dashboard

  1. Projected timeline of realizing Unearned Revenue
  2. Projected timeline of collecting Accounts Receivable
  3. Projected Income of Subscriptions

More Features To Grow Revenue


Limit your Losses

As a recreational facility, your most valuable asset is time on the calendar. The worst thing you can do is block off calendar time and not generate any money from it. With Natty Hatty any event that you add to your facility’s calendar will automatically generate an invoice, so that you can guarantee you’re always collecting for your time.


Easy Reimbursement Process

Reimbursing customers is the last thing you want to do as a business owner, but we make it as pain free as possible. For example, if you have to cancel a customer’s event on the calendar, Natty Hatty will automatically calculate the reimbursement amount based on their invoice’s unearned revenue. Then all you have to do is select from No Reimbursement, Natty Hatty Credit or Refund and Natty Hatty will automatically settle the invoice for you.


Streamline your Accounting

No matter if you have one facility or multiple facilities, it’s time to stop copying financial data from your management software and pasting it into your accounting software. Using Natty Hatty’s inbuilt data transfer features, you can easily transfer your financial data to any accounting software.

  • Reduce Human Error

  • Live Worry Free

  • Save Time


Ready to get started?

Create an account and elevate your business - no contracts required. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our sales team.
