Effortlessly Collect Signed Waivers and Legal Documents from Your Customers. Our Signature Product is Here!


Your Headache
Just Vanished

Natty Hatty provides you the tools to keep your workload to a minimum by keeping your operations at scale. We help you automate the regular management tasks with our Club Platform so you can enjoy looking at your financial dashboard instead of spending time on menial tasks.

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Security features for Admins
and Owners

Keep your Financial Information Safe

Only ADMINS will have access to your Banking and Credit Card Information, so that you can add MEMBERS to your Club Account worry free.

Limit Access to your Club Account

Only ADMINS will be able to freely add and remove people from their club account. You will also be able to assign custom permissions for each person that you invite to join your club account.

Protect your Finances

Don’t want to share your earnings and finances with everyone that has access to your club account? Don’t worry we allow you to protect your data and only show it to those that you want to share it with.

An Organization that
Needs More

Give access to your employees for free with various account permissions

Account permissions are used to limit the number of features that an employee has access to within the club.

  1. A user with ADMIN permission has full access to the club account.
  2. A user with MEMBER permission has limited access to the club account based on your custom selected permissions.


Invite employees to join
your club?

  • 1

    Create a Natty Hatty
    Club Account

  • 2

    Select Users and

  • 3

    Send Email

Create a Natty Hatty Account

Register an account with Natty Hatty today and scale your organization. Offer your employees easy and convenient access to manage your club and give your customers the ability to receive prompt communication.

Select Users and Permissions

Give access to your existing employees by choosing the amount of access you want them to receive. Natty Hatty gives you the flexibility to control what you want to do with your organization.

Send email invitations

Onboard new employees to your Natty Hatty club platform all for free and send them email invitations. We do not charge any fee for having more employees in your organization. In Fact, we love that you are growing.


More for Admins
and Owners

Financial Dashboard

A dashboard that gives you a macro view of your business


Smart Invoices to keep you hands free all the time

Customer Support

A dedicated customer support team that actually cares about your business and responds to your emails with follow up phone calls


Get more players registered with automated teams and tryouts creation


Get your game face on!

As a coach we help you focus on your teams. Natty Hatty helps you communicate with your team members and other coaches, keep them informed on practices and games and book rental space directly from Natty Hatty.

Features for Coaches

  1. Send Mass Emails to your Team
  2. Add Games and Practices to your Team’s Calendar
  3. View Attendance for your Games and Practices
  4. Get Access to all your Player and Guardian Personal Information
  5. Instant Chat Feature to Communicate with your Team Members
  6. Create Custom Group Chats to Communicate with Selected Individual
club roles

More for Coaches


Easily find rental space for your tryouts and teams all at Natty Hatty

Registration for your players

Get your players registered within a few simple clicks

Get Rosters

Easily get your roster information for your upcoming tournaments and leagues

Challenge your team 

Easily find new and upcoming leagues and tournaments near you

Ready to get started?

Create an account and start growing your company - no contracts required. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our sales team.

Kids playing soccer